
February 22, 2015


Spending a good amount of resources, money and time to build your website and make it look awesome to your potential customers. Then they came and fill the shopping carts with lots of items, the sales realizable, must be skyrocketing in your mind, but that is not the case- they abandon the carts and walk away. They walk to the next online store never to return. You are devastated and somehow angry with their action. It happens, quite often. Sadly, it is your problem that they abandoned your website because of your failure to do that which you ought to have done.

  • Presented with unexpected costs – a study by Ecommerce University suggest that presenting customers with unexpected costs was the main reason behind website abandonment. 56% of purchases said that there is no need of continuing with a purchase when the prices were so much inflated with high shipping costs as well.
  • Crashed websites or slow loading of pages– some of the websites crashed in the middle of processing a purchase and the customer lost all data that was crucial to them. This makes it impossible to do a purchase or worse off to trust that website that they will complete your purchase by shipping the goods safely to your location. In some instances, visitors will swiftly abandon your website when it takes a century to load a single webpage. It is frustrating to spend a whole day trying to complete a purchase process.
  • Lack of payment options– online shoppers are comfortable and happy when your website has a variety of payment options. So when you only give the option of paying via PayPal yet they are ready and willing to pay via MasterCard or Visa, they will ditch your website without any hesitation.
  • Security issues– 17% of shoppers are too concerned with the security measures your website has in place. Any shopper who feels that their credit card information will be compromised will simply bring the shopping expedition to an abrupt. Failure to consistently assure them of your security measures by frequently displaying security logos on your pages will even worsen the situation.
  • Non-user Friendly – is your site easy to navigate? Does your site enhance user experience? If your answers are all ‘NO’ then you are part of the problem. A website that is way too complicated to navigate through sends away customers. Customers should not get frustrated when using your website.
  • Graphics and words that are not effective- using complex words on your website is a sure turnoff. If your graphics and words fail to describe your ideal company then your visitors are in the wrong place.
  • Insufficient information- how much information about a particular product are you giving your customers? Whenever your give your customers information that is false or that is likely to mislead them, then don’t expect them back to your site in future.
  • Complicate checkout process- customers will be annoyed when the checkout process is complicated and repetitive in natured. Make it simple but effect.
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